Family Life Church, a non-traditional encounter with Christ!

'My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations.' Mark 11:17 (NIV)
Sunday Morning 10:00am Morning Worship.
At FLC our desire is to partner with Holy Spirit to facilitate divine encounters that leads to transformation. Our worship is full of life and energized by God's Spirit. We seek to worship Father in spirit and truth. Our worship style is prophetic and it's our desire to be led moment by moment by Holy Spirit to make Jesus known. Pastor Jay is a passionate follower of Christ and seeks to reproduce passionate followers of Christ by Jesus' Spirit. Our continued focus is hearing and doing what Jesus is speaking to his body. We seek a balanced lifestyle of both Word and Spirit. We are a Spirit-filled people learning to demonstrate both the character of Christ and his works.
#1 - Thursdays at 6:00pm. A FAMILY GATHERING is an opportunity for the body of Christ to enjoy intentional training and coaching, hearing God's voice and testing corporately what we are hearing with God's word. This is a great time to experience growth in our faith journey.
#2 - LIVING IN VICTORY study!!! You can still jump in and be blessed by God's truth!
Sundays- 9AM. Led by Rev. Jay Jellison, we focus on what it looks like to live totally free from every scheme of Satan to demonize us. Many times, we give Satan permission to oppress us without even knowing it. The really great news is, Satan is ALREADY defeated, and we are ALREADY victorious in and through Jesus Christ! What we need to be equipped with occurs through the active ministry of Jesus, providing deliverance - see Romans 8:37!
#3 - The Harvest, Monthly evangelistic gatherings of the body of Christ in multiple locations; "ACTIVATE THE MOVEMENT" demonstrating the love and power of Jesus while sharing the gospel through proclamation, demonstration and giving opportunities for people to respond and begin their walk with Jesus and His body, the church. Call for meeting location - 785-554-9288
#4 - HEALING & DELIVERANCE, Judy and Jay carry, steward, and release what Father has imparted within them to bring wholeness to the body of Christ. Individual private sessions can be requested by simply reaching out to Pastor Jay or Judy Jellison.
#5 - SUNDAY NIGHT HOME GATHERING, Please speak with Pastor Jay regarding meeting location.
SUGGESTED RESOURCE - From the desk of Pastor Jay Jellison
I have been enjoying several resources that has been impacting my journey with Christ.
1. Redefining RHEMA, an incredibly helpful read, understanding the biblical principle of hearing first, speak second. Authors, (Ed Delph and David Lake)
2. Enthroned, Manifesting the power & glory of our Divine union in Christ. This again is a game changer for anyone desiring to partner with Holy Spirit to make Jesus known in their world today. (Jeff Jansen)
3. Identity. This is another power-filled read, helping the body of Christ enjoy our God given identity in Christ. (Dan Bohi, Becoming Love Ministries)
AED - Automatic External Defibrillator Training - IT'S TIME TO REVIEW!!! Required training for the use of the Philips HeartSmart OnSite Devibrillator is now available online at the following webaddress: by copying and pasting it into your web- browser.
Activate the Movement Topeka, A cross denominational ministry partnership, training disciples of Jesus. We are believing Holy Spirit to help us raise up spiritual mothers and fathers to assist in helping steward the awakening of God within the hearts of followers of Jesus in the Topeka area.
RECOMMENDED RESOURCES - Becoming Love Ministries has made available all of their video/audio resources on a subscription basis. For $9.99 per month you can be encouraged, edified, and strengthened in your walk with Jesus Christ! Our own Rev. Jay and Judy Jellison are a part of this ministry along with their video/audio resources. For more information:

Everyone is welcome to the 10:00 am Sunday morning Celebration Service. Community Fellowship, coffee and other items, are ready at 9:45 am.
Sunday morning 9AM 'Living in Victory' study in the Welcome Center.
Please check our calendar, under CONTACT US, for dates and times of other community activities. If you are new to the neighborhood or new to worship, we welcome you to check out FAMILY LIFE CHURCH!
Jesus, You are my victory!
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